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Holding Hands Up High


Let’s Try to Answer Some of Your Questions


This information is designed to help answer any questions you may not have asked at the assessment and to let you know what will happen next. 


  • You will be allocated a counsellor according to, or as near to  your preferences as possible (e.g. times you are available, gender preferences of counsellor and any specific issues that may need specialised experience in the counsellor).


  • If you have only limited times available or specific requirements, it will take longer to match you with the right counsellor.  If you have not heard from us within two  months, please contact us using the details above.


  • Once you have been allocated a counsellor, we will give them your contact details, availability and the fee information that you have agreed at assessment.  They will then contact you to introduce themselves.  


  • Your sessions will last 50 minutes and will be at the same time each week, and in the same room (if face to face). 


  • In the first session, the counsellor will discuss any relevant paperwork that needs to be completed before you begin working together.


  • If you arrange to pay through bank transfer, this is required before the start of the session, and proof of payment shown to your counsellor. 


  • Sessions must be paid for before they take place.  You can either bring cash to the session or pay online, in which case the therapist will need to see a screenshot or a photograph of the payment.


  • Please note that all missed sessions, including your holidays, must be paid for unless there are exceptional circumstances. 


  • Once you have met your counsellor, any changes for holidays/absences etc will be managed between the two of you. 

We hope that you find the support and help you are looking for at The Swan Project. If you have any concerns/questions, please contact us using the details above.

The waiting list for face to face therapy is currently 1 week to 1 month, and 4 months approximately for online therapy.


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